Yerington Stories: Why My Mom Sent Me To The Vet In Yerington by Chere L Brown
When I arrived at the nurse’s office, before I could even say a thing, the nurse snapped at me, “Why aren’t you in class?” I couldn’t say anything, so I just pointed to my leg. “Oh, my God, how did you do that?” After hearing my explanation and examining my leg, she called my mother to come pick me up.
To make things worse, she informed me that she was afraid to give me anything for pain, because I had been ill and she was not sure how I might react to it. Thus the reason for the two nurses--to hold me down. This was a very, very bad day. Fourteen stitches latter, I was wore out with pain and frustration, and exhausted from fighting the nurses. I was so angry with my mother, the nurses, and that stupid slide. My mother gave me a pair of crutches and then announced, she would drive me back to school. Did I mention that this was a very, very bad day? “What! What! Did I hear her right?” This was more than I could bear. I threw a hissy fit. She finally,relented and agreed to have me lay down in the nurse’s lounge until she got off work.
And so the saga continues…….
I do not know how long I had the stitches in my leg. To me it seemed like a lifetime. But the fateful day arrived to have them removed. Problem was that the doctors were once again out of town and unavailable, but worse so was my mother. She was at a hospital association convention. So she calls me and announces, “Chere, it is time to have your stitches removed. I have made arrangements with Dr.------ (I can’t remember his name) at the veterinary hospital on Main Street. He will be expecting you tomorrow after school. So go right there and don’t lolly gaggle.” I tried to protest but to no avail.
The next day, I dreaded the vet visit all day. And I talked to myself a lot, “Who ever heard of sending a person to a vet? Does she think I’m a dog? Does he even know who to treat humans? I’ll probably leave with fleas!” I was so ashamed, I did not want my classmates to know where I was going. In rebellion, I did lolly gaggle. I was hoping he’d be closed when I got there. No such luck. He was eagerly awaiting me. He was pleasant enough, but the whole time had a little smirk on face, like he was quite amused at this event. He sat me on one of the examining tables. He gloved up and pulled out a pair of scissors and a pair of tweezers. Rythmatical he pull the stitch up, snippid the stitch, and pulled it out. “How many stitches do you have?” he inquired. “Fourteen, four inside and ten outside.” I answered. “The four inside will dissolve on their own,” he informed me. “Help me count. We’ll take out the ten outside ones.” The tug of each stitch coming out didn’t seem so bad. I think he had me count to distract me a little. I rather like this vet. But I still wasn’t going to let my siblings or classmates know I was treated by the vet. Not until today, that is.
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